Mrs. Moore's Computer Class


Teachers' Page

-Information for Teachers-

NJ Core State Standards for this WebQuest:

Technology Strand:
The use of technology and digital tools requires knowledge and appropriate use of operations and related applications.
Construct a spreadsheet, enter data, and use mathematical or logical functions to manipulate data, generate charts and graphs, and interpret the results.

Background Information: Spreadsheets

 A spreadsheet is a table that displays numbers in rows and columns. The individual boxes on a spreadsheet are called cells.  Spreadsheets can be used for many things: accounting, budgeting, charting/graphing, scientific applications. Spreadsheets were originally done on paper, but computer spreadsheets have the ability to do automatic calculations on the data entered. If one number in the spreadsheet is changed, it immediately updates all calculations anywhere in the spreadsheet. A spreadsheet program helps manage and manipulate numbers and data in many ways and increases efficiency and productivity. Computer spreadsheets allow students and teachers to view data in various formats: charts, tables, and graphs (in many shapes and colors!). This allows you to view data in different formats and interpret and compare data easily.
* Excel is the spreadsheet program we use here at GJM school.  

Additional Good Websites for teachers: